[Jan 12/13] Digital Synesthesia – ONLINE Class

Let’s turn photographs in music, bring our favorite songs into Photoshop and mess with them, and turn Call Me Maybe into a moving three-dimensional landscape. This class is all about Digital Synesthesia: the experience of mixing up your senses so that you hear what your eyes see, and see what your ears are listening to. In collaboration with Tenlegs, a network for artists to connect, collaborate, earn and learn, Harvestworks offers this class as part of it’s new online TEAMLab class program.

Digital Synesthesia Online Class

Adam Rokhsar

Saturday, Jan 12, 2013 (Assignment 1)
Sunday, Jan 13, 2013 (Assignment 2)
Monday, Jan 14, 2013 (Optional Email Support Period)
All times are 9am to 4pm EST – see detailed schedule below. All times are EST / New York time. Since this is an online class, it is designed to accommodate students in other timezones as well.

Cost: $95

Pay with PayPal or Credit Card on our Payment Page here

Location: This class is held online, you need to have internet connection to watch videos and engage in the forums. Shortly before the class starts you will get a link with further instructions how to take part in it.

Digital Synesthesia

You don’t need any experience in music or visual art: just come with an open mind, a willingness to try something new, and perhaps a crazy idea or two. We’re going to use software called Max to create our synesthesia art through a series of hands-on experiments. You’ll turn an image of your face into sound, capture it with a microphone and turn it back to a photo again to see what happens. You’ll learn how to remix songs just by waving your hands in front of a computer camera. And along the way, you’ll learn the secrets of how computers understand sound and vision, create new forms of art, and leave with a package of software that will let you continue with your experiments at home.

dsyn3This class is being held online so that anyone can take it and make it work with your schedule. For one weekend, you’ll have access to video lectures created specifically for this workshop, a series of four hands-on challenges meant to give you experience building your own synesthetic art, and two live sessions to ask questions, get answers, and go deeper with the material.

Whether your a DJ who wants to create visual art from the music you play, a dancer who wants to make music move based on the motion of your body, or someone who just always wanted to paint by yelling really loud, come join us for this unique workshop experience.

Requirements: You need to have internet connection to watch videos and engage in the forums. You also need a computer with Max/MSP/Jitter installed — you can download a free 30 day demo from www.cycling74.com.


dsyn2On Saturday & Sunday, students will be able to watch videos with instructions/assignments between 9am to 2pm EST. From 2 to 4pm EST our teacher will be available via  forums to discuss assignments with the students. The assignments are due 4pm EST. On Monday, the teacher will be available to field additional questions.

All times are EST / New York time. Since this is an online class, it is designed to accommodate students in other timezones as well.

Sat, Jan 12 (Instructions & Assignment 1)

Given by: 9am EST
Teacher’s Office Hours: 2 to 4pm EST
Assignment due: 4pm EST

Sun, Jan 13 (Instructions & Assignment 2)

Given by: 9am EST
Teacher’s Office Hours: 2 to 4pm EST
Assignment due: 4pm EST

Mon, Jan 14 (Q+A Period)

Teacher’s Responses to Email Requests by 4pm EST

About the Instructor

adamAdam Rokhsar is a musician, psychologist, and software artist with degrees from Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, and New York University. He designs interactive art for corporate clients and artists, including Radiolab, Steven Spielberg’s anniversary celebration at the Jacob Burns Film Center, and eight year olds, who make the best collaborators. Visit him on Tumblr to check out his art or to listen to his new EP, inside voices outside voices, available now.

About Tenlegs

tenlegs-logoTenlegs (www.tenlegs.com) is a network for artists to connect, collaborate, earn and learn. The company is dedicated to helping emerging and independent artists to showcase their work online as well as to connect with each other for rewarding mentorship and collaboration, with organizations for freelance opportunities, and with their fans and critics for meaningful interaction.

See this class on Tenleg’s site: http://www.tenlegs.com/online-classes-landing-page/harvestworks

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