A survey of international contemporary video art including film, video synthesis and expanded cinema. Premiering on Manhattan public access Channel 4 and available via Harvestworks’ livestream, each episode will be archived and available for later viewing. New episodes will be broadcast monthly.
Friday September 18 2020 at 9:30 pm EDT
Duration: 28 minutes
Location: Harvestworks YouTube Channel
Featuring work by:
Ted Davis
Toby Kaufmann-Buhler
Dylan A. Marcheschi
Derek Holzer
Mike Sidnam
Nathan Cearley

About The Artists
—Toby Kaufmann-Buhler explores sensory perception, identity, history and memory through his work in image, sound and space. This involves integrating a number of different media including video, film, found/composed sound, text, installation, performance and interactive work.
—Dylan A. Marcheschi is a New York based interdisciplinary artist. His video work employs natural harmonic systems by way of complex additive synthesis, frequently exploring just intonation in the context of audio/video feedback.
—Mike Sidnam is a an audio-visual artist and engineer from Staten Island, New York currently based in Brooklyn. His work has been showcased at Microscope Gallery, MOMA PS1 Print Shop, the Center for Performance Research, and most recently the Whitney Museum, where his collaborative piece “name“ was screened at the museum in 2018 and is now held in the permanent collection.
—Nathan Cearley Nathan Cearley is a member of Long Distance Poison–the Brooklyn based experimental electronics duo of both himself and Erica Bradbury. LDP explores non-subjective musical practices that minimize intention, self and hylomorphic design. They have experimented with video synthesis for various projects including their 2015 residency at Pioneer Works for The Clocktower Gallery, Sound & Time: Sacred Music After A God, and their 2017 audio/visual release Rheomodes (Oxtail Recordings) and their Rheomodes video installation at Printed Matter.
—Ted Davis (USA)
—Derek Holzer (Sweden): An American instrument builder and sound artist based in Berlin DE, whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, the relationship between sound + space, media archaeology and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and extreme music. He has created scores of unique and experimental instruments, installations, and performances since 2002, as well as taught sound art workshops, across Europe, North and South America, and New Zealand. http://macumbista.net/
About the Curator
Dylan A. Marcheschi is a New York based interdisciplinary artist working across a range of audio/visual arts, including film, sound art, expanded cinema, animation, generative video, and psychoacoustics. His work has appeared in a variety of major print and broadcast media.