2009 Presentations

Frieder Weiss
December 10 at Harvestworks
Frieder Weiss, creator of the interactive media environment in Chunky Move’s Mortal Engine, shown at BAM on Dec 10-12 talked about his participation in and observations of the “dance tech” genre over the last 15 years.

Cyberfest 2009
November 20 – 29 in St. Petersburgh, Russia
Harvestworks participated in an Cyberfest 2009, an International festival of cybernetic art in St. Petersburg, Russia. Harvestworks staff members Hans Tammen and Carol Parkinson gave workshops, lectures and performances throughout the festival. This engagement is supported by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation through US Artists International in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Trust for Mutual Understanding.

Play With Fire Festival
November 7 – 15 at various locations
With Kristin Trethewey, Harvestworks co-produced this festival celebrating the breadth and depth of video possibilities through art.

New York Electronic Art Festival
September 29 – October 28 at various locations
Harvestworks produced the 2nd New York Electronic Art Festival in partnership with arts>World Financial Center, Roulette and New York University. Events took place at numerious locations throughout New York City. Complete details at www.nyeaf.org

Esacpe video screening
Harvestworks hosted a screening of Escape, a selection of fifteen experimental video works by eighteen artists curated by J.J. Kegan McFadden from the collection of Video Pool Media Arts Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ichiigai: audio art from Karlsruhe, Germany
August 25 at Harvestworks
Harvestworks hosted Ichiigai the German experimental audio-art collective which has been exploring a fusion of sound, music, video and art since 2004. Ichiigai is also an artist-run label based in and supported by the State University for Arts and Design (HFG) and the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany.

World X Diagnostics Public Launch
August 15 at Harvestworks
Harvestworks hosted the public launch of World X Diagnostics, a new multi-media work by 2009 Artists-In-Residence Megan Michalak and Stephanie Rothenberg

Harvestworks Inside 2009
May 14 – 16 at Roulette
Produced in partnership with Rouletteʼs Mixology Festival, the 2009 Harvestworks Inside performance series presented “Gestures and Responsive Media”, three concert programs focusing on modern experiments in performance technology. The featured artists were Pamela Z, Elliott Sharp, Zach Layton, Sha Xin Wei & Clarinda Mac Low, Bill Hsu & James Fei, and Sawako.

Ableton Max for Live Introduction
April 30 at Harvestworks
One of the three new initiatives announced with Ableton’s Live8/Suite 8 is Max for Live. At a meeting of the New York Ableton User Group
Jeremy Bernstein introduced Ableton’s new Live8/Suite 8 Max for Live and demonstrated some of its capabilities.

Lillian Ball / Steve Bull
April 20 at Harvestworks
Multi-media artists Lillian Ball, and Steve Bull gave presentations about recent works. Ms. Ball discussed her recent interactive multi-screen video installation Go Doñana, a project that explores diverse perspectives on the wetland/dune ecosystems found in Andalucia’s Doñana National and Natural Parks. Mr. Bull demonstrated his recent video/MAX/Jitter/cellphone-SMS interactive installation Target.

Data As A Creative Visual Medium
April 17 at Harvestworks
Harvestworks presented a special panel discussion that explored the idea of using data as source, material, and inspiration for visual artists. Moderated by Jeff Thompson, the four participating artists were Louisa Armbrust, Tali Hinkis, Siebren Versteeg and Ben Rubin. They discussed questions about possible trajectories and problems arising from working with data.

New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival
April 2 – 4 at various locations
Composers, performers, and media artists from around the globe came together for three days of experimental sound art and multimedia at the first New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, April 2-4 at the CUNY Graduate Center, Galapagos Arts Space, The Tank, and Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center.

Shana Moulton / Jessica Ann Peavy
March 30 at Harvestworks
2008 Harvestworks Artists-In-Residence Shana Moulton and Jessica Ann Peavy each presented the results of their recent residency. Moulton performed a section from her new live interactive video work that contunues her Whispering Pines series, while Peavy showed her completed three-chennel video work Rituals of Consumption: Leviticus rowed the boat ashore.

Miguel Frasconi & Dan Joseph
March 16 at Harvestworks
New York-based sound artists Miguel Frasconi (2006 Artist-In-Residence), and Dan Joseph performed a set of improvised elecroacoustic soundscapes falling somewhere between a chamber music concert and a sound installation. Frasconi played processed glass instruments and electronics with Joseph on hammer dulcimer and laptop.

Elliott Sharp’s Binibon
March 9 at Harvestworks
Harvestworks hosted a special reading and fundraiser for Elliott Sharp ‘s new music-theater work Binibon to be presented at The Kitchen this May. Sharp performed on guitar, saxophone, and computer and the author Jack Womack read from the text.

Tobaron Waxman: Block of Ice + 1/60
March 3 – 6 at Harvestworks
Harvestworks presented Block of Ice + 1/60, a new multimedia performance installation exploring issues of labor and water ecology by 2007 VanLier Fellow, Tobaron Waxman.

Joseph Delappe / Sawako
February 23 at Harvestworks
2008 Harvestworks Artists-In-Residence, Joseph DeLappe and Sawako. DeLappe discussed their recently completed residency projects. Delappe’s untitled work-in-progress utilizes an interactive system that facilitates performative reenactments by “walking” famous routes of protest and pilgrimage through diverse data co-mingled from Flickr, YouTube and live in-studio cameras. Sawako presented her 5.1 surround-sound journey A Breath in the Cities, about two megalopolises, New York City and Tokyo.

William Cusick, An Instrument for the Measure of Absence
February 13 at Harvestworks
2008 Artist In Residence William Cusick presented his work An Instrument For The Measure Of Absence, a new interactive video and audio installation. The work is based on the upcoming production of Americana Kamikaze, a new hybrid theater/cinema performance by the experimental theater company Temporary Distortion, premiering at Performance Space 122 in November 2009.

Harvestworks & The Field’s New Membership Partnership Open House
February 2 at Harvestworks
The Field and Harvestworks held an open house to promote their new membership exchange which provides discounts to one another’s members. Representatives from each organization gave presentations and answered questions about their activities.

Alessandro Bosetti, Mask/Mirror
January 26 at Harvestworks
Italian composer and sound artist Allesandro Bosetti performed Mask/Mirror (M/M) is a sampler-based software tool written created using Max/MSP that processes recordings of spoken language in real time.

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