[Apr 6] Cutter vs. Smuggler – Augmented Reality War of 1812

Harvestworks Sponsored Project “Augmented Reality War of 1812” presents a free pilot event that explores a dramatic incident of smuggling in the War of 1812. Meet at the doors of Castle Clinton on the Battery. Bring your smart phone or iPhone/iPad and on your device you will see a US Revenue Cutter chase a ship smuggling British subjects and goods out of the harbor.

Cutter vs. Smuggler — Augmented Reality War of 1812

Steve Bull, Kathleen Hulser
April 6 2013, 2:00 PM – Castle Clinton, Main Door in Battery Park, NYC

At http://stevebull.blogspot.com/2013/04/sneak-peak-tech-location-review-ar-war.html you'll find a sneak peak from our technical location survey before Saturday's event

Harvestworks Sponsored Project “Augmented Reality War of 1812” presents a free pilot event that explores a dramatic incident of smuggling in the War of 1812. Meet at the doors of Castle Clinton on the Battery. Bring your smart phone or iPhone/iPad and on your device you will see a US Revenue Cutter chase a ship smuggling British subjects and goods out of the harbor.

Historian Kathleen Hulser will talk about the castle, the commerce and New Yorkers dissenting in the war. Steve Bull will show you how to turn your smart phone into a history tool, popping period ships into today’s harbor from a gorgeous vantage point at Pier A.

See a special appearance of the ghost of the famous war hero Capt. James Lawrence rising from his nearby tomb at the Trinity church yard reminding everyone, “Don’t give up the ship.”

Funded in part by The New York Council for the Humanities, Sponsored by Harvestworks.


Take No. 1 train to Rector St. stop and head south on Broadway to Bowling Green. Walk towards water, across
Battery Park, near to Pier A. Meet near Castle Clinton doors, a large
round fort. Near where Statue of Liberty ferry departs.

More: http://war-of-1812-1814.blogspot.com

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