Max/MSP allows for infinite possibilities in sound design and synthesis, but how to control all of this information? In this 3 hour course, different approaches and principles for sequencing will be explored, allowing beginning and intermediate users to have a toolbox to draw from for controlling their patches!
Building a Sequencer in Max/MSP
Kyle Kaplan
Wed, Mar 23, 6:30 to 9:30pm
Max/MSP allows for infinite possibilities in sound design and synthesis, but how to control all of this information? In this 3 hour course, different approaches and principles for sequencing will be explored, allowing beginning and intermediate users to have a toolbox to draw from for controlling their patches.
This course will elaborate on different ways to generate control information in Max/MSP. The core elements to creating a sequencer within Max/MSP will be explored, demonstrating how the program can be used for classic sequencing styles (piano rolls, XOX grid sequencing, musical scores). As the lesson progresses, a variety of ways to expand on the basic sequencer structure will be discussed, along with more unusual approaches (audio rate sequencers, generative structures, analysis based triggering).
Kyle Kaplan has been passionately involved in electronic music for years. While studying music technology at McGill University, Kyle thoroughly explored many facets of digital media through a comprehensive use of Max/MSP/Jitter, in addition to the use of digital audio workstations such as Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and Propellerhead’s Reason. He presently is an intern and teaching assistant at Harvestworks, where he helps artist’s realize their ideas, while simultaneously cultivating his own creative pursuits.