Interactive Art is an umbrella term that includes works ranging from kinetic sculpture that reacts to the presence of viewers to a live VJ performance that automatically changes in realtime to subtleties in the music; from dancers who can make sound and images change as their bodies movies to a robot programmed with artificial intelligence to react to people’s emotions by reading their faces.
Interactive Art Weekend Intensive: Programming Interactivity In Max/MSP
Adam Rokhsar
Sat/Sun, Nov 27 & 28, 2010, noon to 6pm
Interactive Art has the potential to become a fundamentally new form of contemporary art, different from anything that has come before it. It is a umbrella term that includes works ranging from kinetic sculpture that reacts to the presence of viewers to a live VJ performance that automatically changes in realtime to subtleties in the music; from dancers who can make sound and images change as their bodies movies to a robot programmed with artificial intelligence to react to people’s emotions by reading their faces.
Sat/Sun, Nov 27 & 28, 2010, noon to 6pm
Interactive Art has the potential to become a fundamentally new form of contemporary art, different from anything that has come before it. It is a umbrella term that includes works ranging from kinetic sculpture that reacts to the presence of viewers to a live VJ performance that automatically changes in realtime to subtleties in the music; from dancers who can make sound and images change as their bodies movies to a robot programmed with artificial intelligence to react to people’s emotions by reading their faces.
This workshop will provide the tools to construct all of these examples and more using the graphical programming environment MaxMSP. Students will be guided through the creation of several radically different interactive artworks, and in doing so will deal with issues as diverse as gathering sensor data and internet information, using face recognition systems, motion tracking, music analysis, and many other topics that cut to core of interactivity.
People of all skills levels and backgrounds are welcomed. Students will leave with an interactive art toolkit for MaxMSP that will allow them to get a jumpstart in developing their own future work.