Artists find themselves surrounded by more and more emerging technologies, and many feel that commercial software tools satisfy too narrow a creative goal. These days, the ability to program is paramount, and the Processing language has changed the way many artists feel about programming.
Creative Coding: Introduction to Processing
Andrew Sigler
Sat, Jan 26, noon to 6pm
Cost: $125 (student/member), $150 (regular)
Harvestworks –
596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012 | Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleeker
Built on Java, Processing makes learning traditional programming easier by having many built-in functions. Processing is different from a graphical language like Max because you have to write it line by line. Once you understand how to look at all those funny words and symbols without crying, it becomes easier to control, and thats exactly what this class is for. The benefits of Processing is its ability to work with complex animations and interactivity, while giving the programmer a set of tools to begin building immediately.
If you are a visual or installation artists hungry for more control over your work, or you simply want to learn the basics or coding, this class is for you. Topics covered will be geared towards the beginner, someone who has little to no experience with programming text. While all skill levels are welcome, we will be starting with the very basics of programming within Processing and advance as far as possible in 6 hours.
The hardest part of learning to code is getting over the fear of starting out. This class aims to get rid of that fear. You will be shown how to create real-time, interactive, and generative animations, as well how to use camera and microphone input with your work.
We’ll start with baby steps: writing code, syntax, variables, if statements, for loops, and arrays. We will then move into the built in functions that Processing offers: how to draw shapes and work with images. Then we’ll go over how to play nice with others, aka add interactivity. We’ll then talk about what libraries are, and how to use them.
Andy Sigler is a current graduate student at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). His previous experience includes teaching and tutoring media production and programming, and currently his interests lie in musical interfaces, networks, and education. His focus at ITP it to study the creative process as it relates to emerging technologies, and how to better broaden the base of creative designers and makers. Through his own work as a new media artists and instructor, he believes the infinite applications for new technologies should not be hidden on top of a mountain of programming and electronics, only accessible to those able to absorb such knowledge. It is this belief that has led him to ITP, and through his own work and studies he hopes to begin broadening the base.