[May 10] Johannes Sistermanns: Un _\_ Pli

comPLIcation / amPLIfication / PLIcation / exPLIcation / folding space in sound fold afar / video broken in space / horizon talks limitless / decaying / cling film rushes visible / body goes glad wrap
Solo Performance in Solo Space / performance is more accentuating  gaps / all starts in the unknowing of that space /
5-channel composition, voice, scotch tape, accordion, room tone, body goes cling film, Exciter, Electronics

Wed May 10th 2017 7pm FREE

Harvestworks 596 Broadway #602 New York NY 10012

Phone: 212-431-1130 Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R to Prince, #6
to Bleecker

seeing_off, de_couple, listening_off, find oneself here,
temporary state that lasts forever
place, conscious, un_repeatable, appearance_less
the un_conclusivness of my momentary perception
decoupling brings forth space, let the Un grow large
idea / vision is detached from me
you decide your limits
Sistermanns operates from a space of potential. Boundaries based on the material properties of instruments or spaces are no longer constitutive here, but rather the informational power of the individual perceptual capacity.


Born in Cologne [Germany] he studied Piano (Klaus Runze), Rhythmik (H. Leiser) and Composition/New Music Theater (Mauricio Kagel) between 1976 and 1984. He lived in Vanarasi in 1979 (studying North Indian singing at Banares Hindu University), obtained a PhD in musicology, lived in Paris from 1991-92 (where he met Luc Ferrari), in New York from 1995–96 (The Tao of Voice method with S. Cheng), in Japan in 2001, and in Australia. From 1997-2010 he was Vice-President of DEGEM (German Society for Electroacoustic Music).

His work encompasses installative sound sculptures, audio plays and electroacoustic compositions for 2–8/43 loudspeakers (Sound Dome at ZKM, Karlsruhe) up to 2704 loudspeakers for wave field synthesis (TU Berlin), live satellite/Internet/ sound performance, graphic notation and instrumental compositions. Concerts, Performances, Exhibitions, Lectures, Residencies and Grants lead him to Japan, Australia, US, China and widely in Europe. International Festivals: Knitting Factory New York 1995, EXPO 2000 World Exhibition Hannover, Donaueschinger Musiktage 1996/1999/2005/2016, ISCM World Music Days Switzerland 2004/Stuttgart2006/Sydney 2010, International Summercourse for New Music Darmstadt 2004/06/12 (+ Lecturer, Ultraschall Berlin 2008, Melbourne/Adelaide Festival 1997/2000/2015], Radiostations [WDR Studio Acoustic Art/SWR/HR/DLR/ DLF/ABC Radio Sydney/Kunstradio ORF Wien]. Grants [Kunststiftung/ Kultusministerium/ Filmstiftung NRW Düsseldorf, Japan Foundation Tokyo, ZKM Karlsruhe]. Prix/Awards: [Karl-Sczuka-Prix d’encouragement SWR 1997, German Soundart-Prix 2008 WDR Köln, Skulpturenmuseum Marl].Awards include the 1997 Karl Sczuka Advancement Award (SWR), 2008 German Sound Art Prize (WDR Cologne, Marl Sculpture Museum), 2015 3. Prix PRESQUE RIEN, Paris (Luc Ferrari) and first prize at the 2016 International Composition Competition “Leibniz Harmonien” 2016.


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