[May 18] Audio Object Design for Max/MSP

This workshop introduces the fundamentals of audio object design for Max/MSP, and serves as a practical head start into Eric Lyon’s book Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd. We begin by reviewing the architecture and basic functionalities of an audio object, viewed from the user interface of Max/MSP. We then consider cases where it would be advantageous, or even necessary to implement certain DSP schemes in C code, rather than as Max abstractions. Eventually the class will create two simple Max objects in C, one implementing a simple filter, and the other implementing sample-accurate timing.

Audio Object Design for Max/MSP

Eric Lyon
Sat, May 18, noon to 6pm
Cost: $125 (members/students), $150 (regular)

Pay with PayPal or Credit Card on our Payment Page here


Harvestworks – www.harvestworks.org
596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012 | Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleeker

This workshop introduces the fundamentals of audio object design for Max/MSP, and serves as a practical head start into Eric Lyon’s book Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd. We begin by reviewing the architecture and basic functionalities of an audio object, viewed from the user interface of Max/MSP. We then consider cases where it would be advantageous, or even necessary to implement certain DSP schemes in C code, rather than as Max abstractions. We next examine the structure of actual C code for a Max object, making connections between the code and the user experience with the object at the interface level. We then discuss practical aspects of developing Max objects in the Xcode development environment on Mac OS. We then pull all of this information together in the design and coding of two simple Max objects, one implementing a simple filter, and the other implementing sample-accurate timing.

Nature of the Workshop

This will be a combination lecture/demonstration and a hands-on workshop where participants will write and compile code for Max externals on their own computers. Each participant will receive individual instruction during the course of the workshop. The workshop will offer attendees an “under-the-hood” look at the workings of Max audio externals (objects), with a complete introduction to all aspects of coding required to build a working Max object on Mac OS. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the functioning of Max objects, as well as foundational practical skills for developing their own objects. Eric Lyon’s book can then provide a more in-depth path into Max programming for participants who subsequently wish to design their own objects.

Windows users could still learn the fundamental aspects of Max/MSP code architecture. While the teacher can’t support two different developer platforms at the workshop, his book does deal with both platforms.


Attendees will need the latest version of Xcode (4.6.1) and Mac OSX (10.8.3) installed on their computer.
All attendees will be able to purchase the book Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd from A-R Editions, at a 35% discount off the list price.


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