Michelangelo And The Courtesan (eBook)

Mind of Michelangelo® is a new software program developed with Harvestworks and Phillip Baldwin and Jim Albano for the purpose of rendering the human figure in an artistic way. This product is accompanied by an eBook, now available at the iTunes Bookstore: Michelangelo And The Courtesan – The mystery of the missing sybil of the Sistine ceiling, by J. Gennaro Albano.

Michelangelo And The Courtesan (eBook)

The mystery of the missing sybil of the Sistine ceiling – by J. Gennaro Albano

This eBook is now available from the iTunes store here.

A new media historical fiction with embedded videos, Michelangelo and the Courtesan is an iconoclastic reworking of history just in time for the 500th anniversary celebrations this fall in Rome of the completion of the Sistine Chapel ceiling frescoes by Michelangelo. J. Gennaro Albano, artist and screenwriter, takes no prisoners as he dramatizes Renaissance figures in this impressive illuminated narrative with videos and illustrations inspired by the grand Maestro for the new media audience.

Download a PDF with further information here! – see the promotional video below:

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