New Works Residency
Erica Beckman
Sound/effects portion of a 15-minute film updating the classic fairy tale.
Jon Catler
“Planet Slicer”
A 3-part suite for acoustic and electronic instruments in a 31-tone scale. Residency will explore the possibilities of creating a score in this unusual tuning system.
Peter DAgostino
“Double You (and X, Y, Z)”
A four-part video piece for both linear and interactive video disk. The four part structure parallels four stages of early language development.
Charles Dennis
“People in High Places”
A multi-media dance/performance work in collaboration with composers Bruce Tovsky and Bob Telson.
Peter Griggs
“Magnetic Fields”
Residency will explore and produce electronically and digitally altered acoustic sounds for a new musical work.
Shelly Hirsch
Residency will produce a tape to accompany performances using vocal sounds as the sole sound source for tours in U.S. and Europe.
Hugh Levick
“Kick Copy”
A spoken opera in 12 sequences combining video, slides and live performers.
Ginger Miles
A one-hour radio work using both environmental and synthesized sounds for the Texas Sesquicentennial in 1986.
Rita Myers
“The Center of the Eye has Nine Vessels”
The third in a series of video/sound works designed as “meditations on the poetic universe described by myth and magic”.
Pauline Oliveros
“Radio Piece”
A combination of text, sounds, and instruments in a 20-minute work for national radio distribution.
Ann Palevsky
“All Hotels are Transient”
A large-scale performance event in conjunction with the “Homeless at Home” exhibition sponsored by Storefront for Art & Architecture.
Anna Rubin
“Taming the Beast: A Masked Music”
Tape portions of a music/theatrical work for tape, percussion and masks.