1987 New Works Residency

New Works Residency

Jerri Allyn

“American Dining: Labor in the “80s”
An installation of new audio works in diners across America. The audio works will be substituted for popular records in the diner booth jukeboxes. Live performances by Jerry Allyn will accompany the audio installations. The New York City performance will be at the New Museum in October.

David Blair

Soundtrack for the image-processed, experimental narrative video “WAX” produced by David Blair. The projected release date is January 1988.

Peter Cusak

“Phat Tahi”
A four channel performance backing tape incorporating environmental sounds from Thailand. Performance at Experimental Intermedia NYC.

Victor Masayesva

“Ritual Clowns”
The Native American clown is the subject of this ten minute video which entertains a complex mix of clowns’ role in contemporary North America.

Ann McMillan

“Animal Sounds Variations”
Tape structures of animal and other sounds for Joan LaBarbara’s solo repertoire and a piece for wind quintet and animal sound tape structures for the Quintet of the Americas to perform in concert.

Edward Montgomery

“My Father and the Wars”
A radio drama written by Robbie McCauley about being Black in America, images of manhood, and the contradictions of freedom and survival.  For broadcast: Summer ’87, in “Readings from the NY Poetry Scene” on NPR.

Robert Poss

“The Elements of Style, I and II”
A piece for guitars and electronic processing that concerns the interpolation between “popular” and experimental approaches to guitar music. Performance at The Clocktower, 1987.

Lenga Tooks

“E-Man”, the play.
Adapted from the medieval morality play “Everyman”, the composer has maintained the moral theme of the original play and infused it with contemporary musical styles. Performance at Henry Street Settlement.

David Van Tiegham

“Beat the Clock (Information Please)”
Thirty minutes of analog and digital synthesizer sounds for use as a backing tape for a new live music-theater-dance performance in the Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, October ’87.

Alida Walsh

“Black Light”
Audio for a video which exploits the unusual qualities of ultraviolet light on videotape to create a kinetic sculpture using light. Distribution will include video art festivals nationwide and exhibitions throughout New York.

Peter Zummo/Stephanie Skura

A sound work, created by Peter Zummo, in collaboration with choreographer Stephanie Skura. Instrumentation will include trombones with mutes, euphonium, voice and synthesizers. Performances are scheduled at P.S. 122; Bates College, Maine and Intermedia Art Center, Huntington N.Y.

Ellen Zweig

“Impressions of Africa: Variations for Raymond Rousell (The Play)”
A radio play about five characters who have been shipwrecked on an imaginary African coast. Broadcast at ABC Sydney; KPFT, Houston and KPFA, San Francisco.
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