1999 Sponsored Projects

Tirtza Even

Color Blind (1999)
“Color Blind,” is interactive installation work which explores the visual representation of the tension between public and private space. The structure of the work juxtaposes non-linear interactivity with the traditional linearity of film. The soundtrack consists of anonymous CB radio recordings and interviews conducted with people encountered on a cross-country road trip.

Celeste Boursier

Declinaison (1999)
“Declinaison” is an acoustic installation consisting of the transmission of two aquatic modules (inflatable pools and china with sub-aquatic microphones) to a second room in which visitors experience a simul-cast of the sounds and video images of the pools in the first space.

Zoe Beloff

A Mecanical Medium (1999)
A performance work for Model B Kodascope 16mm projector, Stereo Slide projector, 78 rpm phonograph, Tri Signal Toy telegraph Unit and other sound making machines. ” A Mecanical Medium,” in the spirit of Edison’s late-career attempt to build an apparatus to communicate with the dead, attempts the impossible: to conjure up phantoms, to glimpse the hereafter. Gen Ken Montgomery collaborates on sounds.

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