New Works Residencies
Ina Archer
Ina Archer (Installation) for work on an installation that explores issues surrounding labor and ownership in the film industry, the interactions between racial/ethnic representations and transitional technological movements in media. Ina is an installation and video artist whose works include: Bert Wheeler(ing): Just keep On Doin’ What You’re Doin’ and A Minstrel Show, exhibited in Whitney Independent Study Open Studios Show.
Guillermo Brown
Guillermo Brown (Music) for development of a live solo and ensemble performance piece for CD, mp3 and vinyl focusing on the absorption of perfected jazz techniques into contemporary musical expression. Guillermo is a musican/perfromer and member of the David S. Ware Quartet.
Josely Caravalho
Josely Caravalho (Installation) for the completion of a real-time video installation #0300: Black Bird: Demolition of Palladium, documenting the demolition of the Paladium as a metaphor for our basic necessity of being sheltered at a historical moment when the sense of home has been shifted by ethnic wars, increased migration, the global economy and new virtual addresses. Josely is a multimedia artist and poet. She recently received a grant from Creative Capital.
Justine Cooper
Justine Cooper (Installation) for work on Excitation, an installation focusing on the mediation of spacial experience by information, medical and telecommunications technology. Justine is a multimedia artist whoese work has been exhibited and screened throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Jay Critchley
Jay Critchley (Film/Video) for the creation of a “documentary” entitled Theater in the Ground@Septic Space – The Dirt. Jay Crichley is a multimedia artist and the founder of Septic Space, a subterranean septic tank turned gallery/performance space in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Alexandra Gardner
Alexandra Gardner (Music) for completion of the electronic portion of Spotted Jasper, a composition for bass clarinet, marimba and electronics. Alexandra is a composer and performer whose work has been performed throughout the United States and Europe.
Yael Kanarek
Yael Kanarek (Web) for the development of the sonic component of World of Awe, in collaboration with composer, Yoav Gal, World of Awe is an ongoing multi-media project based on an orginal narrative where determination to find a lost treasure meets nostolgia for speculated technology. Yael has been creating work for the web since 1995.
Kathy Rose
Kathy Rose (Performance) for work on a live performance integrating projected video, veils, and life-sized video puppets inspired by Japanese Noh theater. Kathy is a choreographer/performer and filmmaker whose other works inclued KLEOPAT’RA which is currently in repertory in the United States and Europe.
Laetitia Sonami
Laetitia Sonami (Interactive Music) for creation of a CD-ROM that combines her performance and installation Conversation With a Light Bulb and Conversation With a Light Bulb no.5 “transposing beautifully simple iconographic objects into a musical environment.” Laetitia’s work has been performed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan.
David Watson
David Watson (Music) for completion of a music CD extrapalating the sounds/naunces of the bagpipe into an abstract studio composition. David is a musician/performer who has worked with John Zorn, Shelley Hirsh, Elliot Sharp and the trio Glacial with Lee Ranaldo.
Pamela Z
Pamela Z (Interactive Music) for the completion of an audio version of Gaijin, an interdisciplinary performance work exploring the concept of “Foreignness.” Pamela is a San Francisco-based composer/performer and audio artist and a member of the electroacoustic ensemble sensorChip and the interdisciplinary performance ensemble The Qube Chix.
Sanford Biggers and Jennifer Z
Sanford Biggers and Jennifer Z (Installation) for work on A Small World, a video installation using Super 8 found family footage as a nostolgic snapshot protraying cultural and class syncretism. Sanford has been exhibiting his work since 1996. Jennifer is currently participation in the AIM Program at The Bronx Museum.
David Grubbs
David Grubbs (Music) for production of an audio work combining live audio performance and electronic music. David is a composer, recording artist and founder of the Blue Chopsticks label.
Stephen Vitello
Stephen Vitello (Performance) for exploration of the use of binaural filters for multi-channel music and sound presentations. Stephen is a musician and multimedia artist whose work was recently included in The Greater New York Show at PS1.
Mary Jane Dean
Mary Jane Dean (Film/Video) for work on IN-CAMERA, IN-FLIGHT, a cinematic and photgraphic inquiry of perception observed through the subject of flight. Mary Jane is currently an artist-in-residence at The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Rhode Island.