Self Jammer is an audio-visual self-hallucination made with Max/MSP and Jitter. Users see continuously-changing distortions of their image accompanied by granular samples of the computer’s microphone feed set to modulating delays, pans, and harmonics. Additionally, if a public Instagram username is entered, ideally the user’s, random transparencies of images from the twelve most recent pictures posted by that account are placed over the window. These all come together to offer the user an alternative, perhaps unsettling, representation of themselves.
Tuesday July 5th 2016 7 pm @ harvestworks
Phone: 212-431-1130 Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R to Prince, #6
to Bleecker
Keyian Vafai is a Harvestworks intern practicing computer music and digital arts. He is entering his senior year as a double-major in music and computer science at New York University.