Harvestworks participates in the 2022 IRCAM -NYU Forum. The Fall 2022 IRCAM Forum will be held at New York University (NYU) and hosted by the NYU Music Technology and Music Theory & Composition programs from September 30 to October 3, 2022.
At Harvestworks, Peter Traver, Kamari Carter, Hanae Azuma and Trevor Van de Velde will receive Workspace Residencies and show their work during the Forum.
The IRCAM-NYU artist residency program at Harvestworks is a one month opportunity during which, up to four artists, will finish their proposed work in September 2022. The artworks fall within the scope of “interaction and sound design” focusing on one or more of the following topics: composer/performer/computer interaction, improvisation, and collaboration; sonification and generative sound exploration; soundscape [re]sonification, interaction, sensing and sensor networks; and educational tools in interaction and sound design. Artists are given a workspace residency table at Harvestworks for the one-month duration of the residency.
Saturday October 1st at 3:30 pm will feature a performance by Workspace Resident Hanae Azuma. A new electro-acostic music composition for Taiko (Japanese drum) computer and multichannel speakers. OUTDOORS
Sunday October 2nd at 1 pm. Fellow resident Kamari Carter will perform Echolocation, an immersive city soundscape. OUTDOORS
FREE and open to the public.
LOCATION: The Harvestworks Art and Technology Program Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors island.

[Oct 2] Echolocation I – by Kamari Carter
This new composition/performance by Kamari Carter is an immersive city soundscape mixing real-time live Police and EMS audio with that of The Conet Project, a collection of over 130 Shortwave Number Station Recordings curated into a comprehensive five disk compilation by British record label Iridal-Discs.