[Video] Noble Blatant Lies: Splintered AV Chaos through 3D Glasses

Jeff Noble joins Blatant Lies (Adam Rokhsar and Hans Tammen) bringing edgy motion sensing of audio and 3D video to their visceral blast of modular synths and smartphone samples. Blatant Lies is a battle of analog and digital sounds as Hans Tammen and Adam Rokhsar use modular synths and the sensors hidden in smart phones to make a new form of rhythmic contortion. As a trio, the group performs an aggressive burst of splintered AV chaos.

[Dec 19 2013] Noble Blatant Lies: Splintered AV Chaos through 3D Glasses

Jeff Noble, Adam Rokhsar & Hans Tammen
Thursday, December 19, 2013, at 7pm
Admission: FREE

Location: Harvestworks
596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleecker

Jeff Noble joins Blatant Lies (Adam Rokhsar and Hans Tammen) bringing edgy motion sensing of audio and 3D video to their visceral blast of modular synths and smartphone samples. Blatant Lies is a battle of analog and digital sounds as Hans Tammen and Adam Rokhsar use modular synths and the sensors hidden in smart phones to make a new form of twisted dance music. Former bass player of noise trio FAT, Jeff Noble has been using iPhone, Kinect and iPad as motion sensing devices to modulate both audio and real-time processing of HD video and will be performing live 3D processing at the Harvestworks show. As a trio, the group performs an aggressive burst of splintered AV chaos, a loud, visceral blast of beats, melodies, and controlled mayhem. Noble Blatant Lies is an experience of human beings pushing back against the machines we surround ourselves with.

noble2Former bass player of noise trio FAT, Jeff Noble has been using iPhone, Kinect and iPad as motion sensing devices to modulate both audio and real-time processing of HD video. Using a modified electric / midi bass as both an analog instrument and digital controller of this AV maelstrom, he is now also integrating real-time jitter processing of 3D video into performance, fully interacting with the audio onslaught – 3D glasses will be provided at Harvestworks. Noble continues to explore the sonic potential of his modified bass but now also uses iPad as an audio source and sound processor and incorporates dense, real-time processing of HD video shot in extensive travels in past years. Following on the tradition of FAT’s aggressive multi-media onslaught, his current visual work closely mirrors the dense, layered audio effects processing of his audio work.

Blatant Lies (Adam Rokhsar and Hans Tammen) is a high energy experience conducted by a former programmer for undertakers now playing modular synth, and a former therapist for sex offenders using sensors attached to his body. It is a lot of fun.

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