[June 20] Nina Goedé & Stefan Tiedje: Searching For Peace In Troubled Times

Due to the bad weather last week we will run this show again! A collage of memories, images, sounds an impressions of collected material based on video footage from the fiction feature film in the making “my Mont d’or” directed by Nina Goedé / sponsored by NYFA. The interplay of the artists, their personal material as well as their personal history is leading to this live electronic manipulation of video and voice sounds. It will give a brief look onto their interwoven existence, their space in time and their way to work. This event is part of 2013 New York Electronic Art Festival.

[Jun 20] Nina Goedé & Stefan Tiedje: Searching For Peace In Troubled Times

Nina Goedé, Stefan Tiedje, and Nicholas Jozwiak, Bass
Thursday, Jun 20 2013, 8pm
Admission: Free

Harvestworks – www.harvestworks.org
596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012 | Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleeker

The feature film “my Mont d’or” is a project of Nina Goedé, which is based on impressions of various travels to her European roots. She collected video material, made interviews, visited found people (as opposed to found objects) from the internet with their own stories. Editing the rough cut material from the shooting will lead to the final poetic narration of the film.

goede tiedjeStefan Tiedje aka „Tj Shredder“ had been asked to create a soundtrack for a first cut. As a dedicated improviser he loaded the original sounds of the film into his „Ondes Memoriélles“ a computer program he made on his own. By granulating the sound he improvise a new soundtrack to the images. As this worked out extremely well, the idea was born to bring this process live on stage.

Improvising within a performance in front of an audience does add another level of inspiration to the music. As Stefan Tiedje is using excessively spatialized sound, by composing for more than the usual two speakers, these grains and clouds of sound will be spread all over the place…

The upcoming life performance in front of an audience ,will have an impact to the final editing process. It will also influence the plot of the story. The combination of sound and images with live electronics, voice and text is one essential inspiration for the ongoing production of the feature film…

The interplay from projected images, video and original sound footage in a creative dialogue is an opportunity developing the plot of the film The performance is a kind of brainstorming before the final editing process.

The performers will be joined for one piece by Nicholas Jozwiak, Bass  https://soundcloud.com/nicholas-jozwiak

Nina Goedé

Cross media artist, founder of Opera Brut and Tangoliquide dancing. Working with voice, electronic effects, body movements and video projections. Digital Filmaker.
Grew up as a post war child between France and Germany. Studied theater, dance and voice. Until 1989 living in Lyon/Paris – France. From 1989-93 in Berlin. Since 1995 living and working in NYC. Since 2004 living and working in NYC and Paris.


@ La Mama Theater / NYC, @ Akademie der Künste / Berlin,
@ Unerhörte Musik / Berlin, @ La Maison de la Danse / Lyon,
@ Lange Nacht der Elektronischen Klänge / Berlin,
@ La Ménagérie de Verre / Paris, @ Les Laboratoires d’Aubervillie / Paris, @ Presence des Formes / Festival d’Avignon


Studio Grame / Lyon, Festival Musique sur Scene / Lyon Experimental intermedia Phil Niblock / NYC, Artist in Residence at CCMIX / Paris, Momentarily sponsored artist at the New York Foundation for the Arts.
Her Work can be seen @ http://www.operabrut-roomopera.org/

@ Artspire.org/ my Mont d’or Film in the making  http://www.artspire.org/DirectoryDetail/tabid/95/id/319/Default.aspx

Stefan Tiedje

Klanggestalter – Artisan – Intuitian. Creator of the St.ools a library for Max/MSP.

tiedjePerformer on his self created instrument called ‘Les Ondes Memoriélles’.

Studied Physics, electrical engeneering and acoustics in Marburg and Berlin. Since 1984 working on algorithmic composition by programing computers. Since 1986 concerts with computer controlled sound sources and effects in Europe, America and Asia in collaboration with numerous artists of all genres. Former musical assistant at Experimentalstudio Freiburg and CCMIX in Paris. Currently Member of CLSI / France

Awarded prices include a silver Amadeus with “Musik Kreativ” a competition of the German Keyboards magazine and recently at Operare 2011 for the music to “Wie quälst Du mein Herz” a piece about jealousy…






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