[June 1] AI Workshop For Artists

Artificial Intelligence has disrupted the creative world and artists need to understand how it works and its risks and benefits. In this easily accessible introductory workshop we take the hype out of the process discussing growing trends and artistic practice, culminating in a hands-on group project. This special workshop is directed… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18] New Waves in Art and Tech exhibition – MAIN PAGE

Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center announces the New Waves in Art and Tech, an exhibition for our Art and Technology Program on Governors Island.  A group show that opens the season with studies in human perception via artworks that explore privacy, brain-computer interfaces, climate and fungal networks, Artificial Intelligence and… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18] ARBORETUM by Mónica de la Torre and Hans Tammen

ARBORETUM is a collaboration between poet Mónica de la Torre and sound artist Hans Tammen. A series of poems written by de la Torre, inspired by some of the trees of Governors Island, are in turn processed and spatialized by Tammen. De la Torre considered the botanical and historical specificities… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18]  AI Heaven by Ahmed El Shaer 

A two channel video installation comprising images and animated short loops where the artist collaborates with artificial intelligence to explore questions about the afterlife and how a machine imagines the metaphysical and the transcendental. All images are produced through generative technologies—the final artistic works—are fully created by machine intelligence without… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18]   AERONAUT by Judy Dunaway

This site-specific sound installation commemorates pioneer daredevil aviator Charles K.(“Charlie”) Hamilton making the first round trip flight between New York City and Philadelphia onJune 13, 1910, taking off from and returning to Governors Island. The installation works with thethemes of air, floating and simple motorized devices featuring inflated latex balloons… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18] Here’s the Information We Collect and LUCA by Tansy Xiao

 Here’s the Information We Collect, is an interactive video installation tailored to respond selected privacy policy posted on major social media platforms. Audience members are invited to engage with the work by speaking into a microphone.   LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor – the hypothetical single-cell organism from which all… Continue reading

 [May 17 – Aug 18] Star Catcher by Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner

Star Catcher is an immersive installation that encourages participants to engage with their environment in a playful and imaginative manner. Using projection and magical objects, the installation creates a simulated night sky that is brimming with an ethereal constellation of stars that participants can catch. Blurring the line between audience… Continue reading

[May 17 – Aug 18]  Hear, There  Everywhere 2024 by Gisela Gamper

 Hear, There  Everywhere 2024  is an immersive visual and sonic environment that observes and captures movement in nature and in the artist’s  personal environment. In my video Hear There Everywhere I play with and observe moving beads. Intrigued by the ever-changing pattern created by the beads I recorded their interplay… Continue reading

[Apr 26 – May 5] MY _____ IS AN ECOSYSTEM: Main Page

Processes. Loops. Glitch. Noise. Feedback. Nostalgia. Sustainability. World building. An ecosystem of ecosystems.

“My ______ is an Ecosystem” is a LiveCodeNYC exhibition featuring a selection of art, workshops, discussions, and performances exploring the former ideas in many ways. Continue reading