[Jun. 5 – Jul. 31] Generative Art with Processing Summer Course

This 8-week class will introduce students to the wide world of generative art, starting with building blocks and theory and moving towards advanced topics over the course of the summer. Students will acquire methods for creating compelling artworks using algorithms and autonomous processes inspired from nature, statistics, biology, and computer science. Applications covered will include generative graphics, data visualization, 3D design and fabrication, and interactivity using peripherals like the Kinect. The class will be taught in Processing but the concepts are applicable to other languages and tools. This course is part of New York Electronic Arts Festival 2013.

Generative Art with Processing Summer Course

Gene Kogan
8 Tuesdays, Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 and Jul 10, 17, 24 31, each 6:30 to 8:30pm
Cost: $450 (members + students) $480 (regular)

Pay with PayPal or Credit Card on our Payment Page here

tenlegs-logoLocation: This class is held online, you need to have internet connection to watch videos and engage in the forums. Shortly before the class starts you will get a link with further instructions how to take part in it.

In collaboration with Tenlegs, a network for artists to connect, collaborate, earn and learn, Harvestworks offers this class as part of it’s online TEAMLab class program. Online means that anyone – and in any timezone – can take it and make it work with your schedule. Initially and throughout the course you’ll have access to video lectures created specifically for this workshop, a series of hands-on challenges meant to give you experience building your own artworks, and live sessions to ask questions, get answers, and go deeper with the material.

Course Description

ga3This 8-week class will introduce students to the wide world of generative art, starting with building blocks and theory and moving towards advanced topics over the course of the summer. Students will acquire methods for creating compelling artworks using algorithms and autonomous processes inspired from nature, statistics, biology, and computer science. Applications covered will include generative graphics, data visualization, 3D design and fabrication, and interactivity using peripherals like the Kinect. The class will be taught in Processing but the concepts are applicable to other languages and tools.
Although the class is aimed at beginning and intermediate students, we will dive into advanced concepts quickly and all students will produce several original software-based artworks based on concepts covered in the class.


You need to have internet connection to watch videos and engage in the forums. You also need a computer with processing installed — you can download a free copy from http://www.processing.org.

There will be around 90 minutes of video lectures released each week. Students will need to commit 3-4 hours per week for watching them, going through supplementary materials, and doing some basic practice and implementation. But as in any art practice, you’ll get more out of it if you can make another 5-10 hours to practice more and create on your own time.

Prior to the class you may also log into tenlegs.com and create an artist portfolio: https://www.tenlegs.com/signup

About The Instructor

Gene Kogan is a media artist and programmer who writes free software for performing arts and researches emerging technologies. His work can be seen at genekogan.com.


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